.TEL Domain Name Rules/Requirements

.TEL Domain Name Rules/Requirements

Domain Name related Rules

Common Domain Name Rules (Anchor: common)

  • Unique InfoTech provides 2nd Level Domain Registration services under .TEL.

  • A .TEL domain name provides the ability to store, publish and manage contact information and keywords directly in the Domain Name System (DNS), the hierarchical system by which easy-to-remember, human-friendly names such as somedomain.com are associated with Internet locations.

  • If moving of your .TEL domain name involves change of Registrant Contact, then you need to update the email address associated with the .TEL Hosting Control Panel for this domain name. 1

  • Web Hosting of a .TEL domain name is quite different from hosting of other TLDs (domain name extensions). A .TEL domain name requires some specific Name Servers and these would be assigned by Unique InfoTech at the time of domain name registration itself. These Name Servers can not be modified.

  • A .TEL domain name allows you to send and receive emails like other domain name extensions.

    However, since Web Hosting of a .TEL domain name is quite different from hosting of other domain name extensions, DNS Records for a .TEL domain name cannot be managed in the usual manner. The necessary MX Record(s) for your .TEL domain name can be managed from within your .TEL Hosting Control Panel. 2

Domain Name Registration (Anchor: reg)

  • You may register .TEL domain names containing 2 to 63 characters.

  • When a .TEL domain name is registered, the system automatically creates an account for accessing the .TEL Hosting Control Panel and sends the login details to the Registrant Contact. 3

    There is no need for a separate Web Hosting package for a .TEL domain name. This account gets automatically deleted once the corresponding .TEL domain name is deleted. 4

  • Once you have registered a .TEL domain name, you are required to submit at least 1 publicly accessible communications contact such as a telephone number, an email address, an instant-messaging handle or a web link and associate it with one or more profiles associated within your .TEL Hosting Control Panel. In the absence of this, the .TEL domain name would not resolve.


    In the case that a public communications contact is not created for a .TEL domain name even after 30 days of its registration, the Registry automatically creates this contact, in the form of a Web page / URL to the .TEL domain name itself, thus pointing the contact to the .TEL domain name itself.


    If a .TEL domain name yourteldomainname.tel is registered on 1 January, 1999 and a public communications contact is not associated with it even after 31 January, 1999, then the Registry automatically creates this contact as a link to "yourteldomainname.tel".

  • Apart from the domain name, you may create upto 2999 sub-domains (Folders) on a .TEL domain name through the .TEL Hosting Control Panel. Each such Folder can store a maximum of 100 records.


    You may create upto 2999 sub-domains such as yourdomain.tel, sales.yourdomain.tel, support.yourdomain.tel, billing.yourdomain.tel, etc. and upto 100 records for every sub-domain.

Domain Name Transfer (Anchor: trf)

Contact Details related Rules (Anchor: contact)

If the Registrant of a .TEL domain name is an individual, he/she has an option not to have his/her personal information displayed in the Whois. The Registrant can choose to have this option enabled/disabled at the time of Registration.

However, if the Registrant of a .TEL domain name is an Organization, then the complete Contact details are displayed in the Whois. 6

Name Servers and Child Name Servers related Rules (Anchor: ns)

Child Name Servers can not be registered under a .TEL domain name.


If you have a .TEL domain name registered as yourdomainname.tel, you cannot register a Child Name Server such as ns1.yourdomainname.tel, ns2.yourdomainname.tel, etc. under it.