Server Error Format Description

Server Error Format Description

Any error thrown from the Server for any call will be formatted in a special style as below.

Example 1: Email/Password, or your User account maybe Inactive or Suspended#~#warn#~#

Example 2:{ns2=NameServer NS2.YOURDOMAINNAME.COM is not a valid Nameserver, ns1=NameServer NS1.YOURDOMAINNAME.COM is not a valid Nameserver}#~#warn#~#

The Error as you can see above has 4 distinct parts separated by #~#:

  1. The 1st part is the fully.qualified.ExceptionName - This is the name of the Exception that was thrown. Some typical examples as you can see above are com.logicboxes.error.AuthenticationException, com.logicboxes.error.ValidationException.

  2. The 2nd part is the fully.qualified.ClassThatThrewException - This is the Class on the server side in which the error occurred. For instance the above examples have and

  3. The 3rd part is the Exception message - This part is the one which actually tells you what the error was. For instance, in the above two examples you can see the error messages are - Invalid Email/Password, or your User account maybe Inactive or Suspended and {ns2=NameServer NS2.YOURDOMAINNAME.COM is not a valid Nameserver, ns1=NameServer NS1.YOURDOMAINNAME.COM is not a valid Nameserver}. As you can see the message is quite self-explanatory as to what the error was.

  4. The 4th part is the ExceptionLevel - This could be debug, info, warn, error or fatal. It signifies the criticality of the error that was received, in ascending Order.

Any error received from the server will always follow the above format. Understanding this format will allow you to easily isolate most errors as well as assist in reporting them to us.