Some details are not appearing or not working in your SuperSite and PartnerSite

Some details are not appearing or not working in your SuperSite and PartnerSite

The SuperSite 2, SuperSite and PartnerSite contain a large amount of marketing content and information about the Products and Services you offer to your Customers and Sub-Resellers. This data is downloaded to your SuperSite 2, SuperSite and PartnerSite from your Control Panel and stored (cached) on the SuperSite 2, SuperSite and PartnerSite Server respectively. The cache of your SuperSite 2, SuperSite and PartnerSite will be reloaded automatically, if you make any change to the following settings within your Control Panel:

  • URL - Partially Branded and/or Fully Branded

  • Product Pricing Slabs (for PartnerSite only)

  • Product Plans

  • Pricing

  • Product Signup

  • Default Name Servers (for SuperSite 2/SuperSite only)

  • Payment Preferences (Billing Contact Information and Payment Gateways - for SuperSite 2/SuperSite only)

  • Legal Agreements


The cache of your SuperSite 2, SuperSite and PartnerSite will not be reloaded automatically under the following circumstances:

  • a Promo is activated/terminated,


  • the value of one or more Pricing related fields for a Promo are modified,


  • the Promo ends automatically after the Promo End Date.

Here, you need to manually reload the cache of your SuperSite 2, SuperSite and PartnerSite from within your Control Panel by clicking Tools -> Reload SuperSite & PartnerSite Cache -> SuperSite & PartnerSite Promotional Offers.

Process for reloading the above information on your SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite:

In case some details are not appearing, appearing incorrectly or not working in your SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite, you may manually reload the cache of your SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite.

From within your Reseller Control Panel

  1. Login to your Reseller Control Panel. 1

  2. Point to Tools and then click Reload SuperSite & PartnerSite Cache. Click the item for which you wish to reload the settings, or click All SuperSite & PartnerSite Settings (to reload the settings for all items).

From within your SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite Admin Area

  1. Login to the SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite Admin Area. 2

  2. Click on the Reload Cache tab on the top menu. Here you may select a particular item for which you wish to reload the settings or select All Settings (to reload the settings for all items) and then click Reload.

By doing so, the updated details will be downloaded to your SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite from your Control Panel.

  • Through the drop-down menu under the Reload Cache Data section within the SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite Admin Area, you can check whether Cache Data exists for a particular setting and if it exists, when was this Cache Data updated previously.

    If there is no information available about a particular Control Panel setting in your SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite Cache Data, you would be displayed No Cache besides that particular setting in the Refresh Cache Data section. In this case, you need to Reload that particular setting (in your SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite).

  • If you do not reload the cached data, your SuperSite 2, SuperSite and PartnerSite could display errors such as the SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite link not working, correct Pricing information not getting displayed, etc..