Modifying MX Record

Modifying MX Record


Modifies a Mail Exchanger (MX) record.


Name Data Type Required / Optional Description
auth-userid Integer Required Authentication Parameter
api-key or auth-password String Required Authentication Parameter
domain-name String Required Domain name for which you want to modify the MX record
current-value String Required Current MX value
new-value String Required New MX value
host String Optional

The host part of the domain-name for which you need to modify an MX


You may send this as "mail", if u wish to modify the MX record as By default it will be "@".

ttl Integer Optional Number of seconds the record needs to be cached by the DNS Resolvers. Default value is 14400.
priority Integer Optional The Priority of the MX record

HTTP Method


Example Test URL Request¤


Returns "Success" as the status of the response if the record is modified successfully.

In case of any error, an "error" key with error description (as value) will be returned.