.ME Domain Name Rules/Requirements

.ME Domain Name Rules/Requirements

The following policies are applicable for .ME domain names:

  • The minimum number of years that a .ME (Second as well as Third Level) domain name can be registered for is 1 year.

  • .ME domain (Second as well as Third Level) names:

    • can only contain alphabets a to z, numbers 1 to 9 and hyphens

    • cannot begin or end with a hyphen

    • cannot have two hyphens in the third place

    • cannot contain letters with accent marks, Cyrillic characters, etc.

  • The minimum length permitted is 3 characters while the maximum length is 63 characters (excluding the .ME extension).

  • Some names have been Reserved by the .ME Registry. 1

    Some names have been categorized as Premium Names by the .ME Registry and are planned to be made available in manner(s) to be determined at a later time. 2

  • A .ME (Second as well as Third Level) domain name will be a Money Back Period of 1 day.

  • Third Level .ME domain names can be Registered only by Montenegrin individuals and entities.

  • Third Level .ME domain names can be Registered only in the following zones:

    Me-Net is the only Registrar allowed to Register under:

    • net.me

    • org.me

    • co.me

    • its.me

    • priv.me

    The University of Montenegro's Center of Information Systems (CIS) is responsible for sub-domains beneath these domain names and should be contacted directly:

    • edu.me (educational)

    • ac.me (academic)

    • gov.me (government)