Modifying the Links on the Static Bar of your SuperSite

Modifying the Links on the Static Bar of your SuperSite

The Static bar, is the bar that is visible just below the Main menu on your SuperSite.

Like all other content on SuperSite, the links on this Static bar are completely customizable. Ideally, you would want to customize the Static bar links to provide additional information about your business to your Customers (such as information about your company, news, other products that you offer, etc.).

In order to customize the links on the Static bar on your SuperSite, simply login to the Admin Area for the SuperSite and modify the template for it.

To Modify the Links on the Static bar on your SuperSite

  1. Login to the SuperSite Admin Area. 1

  2. Under the My Language SuperSites section, click on Manage Site besides the Language SuperSite, where you wish to make these changes.

  3. Under the Edit/Translate Website Content section, click on Edit Content.

  4. This will lead you to a Common directory that contains all HTML content that you can customize. Click on Browse, besides it.

  5. Further, click on the Browse button besides the Header directory. There you need to go another level deep to the Includes directory by clicking on the adjacent Browse button.

  6. Here, look for the page Static_bar_under_menu.html, and click Edit adjacent to the page name.

  7. The text-box on the subsequent page contains the primary template for the Static bar. You can modify the links here to point to external URLs, or to point to local HTML pages that you may have created. 2

  8. Complete the modifications you wish to make, and click on Save Changes.

  • You will have to repeat the above process, if you have configured multiple languages for your SuperSite.

  • If you are not satisfied with the modifications and wish to revert to the earlier setting, from the Edit view, click Reset to Default. Alternatively, if you wish to revert the text modification of a few select textboxes, copy the text from the left hand side to its adjacent textbox and click Save Changes.

  • Apart from modifying the text of this page, you may also modify the presentation of the displayed text.


    You may want to display this information in a different Font Face or you may want to modify the Size of the Font, etc.. 3