Removing the Resellers tab from your SuperSite

Removing the Resellers tab from your SuperSite

In case you run a retail-only business, you can configure your SuperSite 2 / SuperSite to cater only to end Customers by removing all Reseller-related content from your SuperSite 2 / SuperSite.

Changes for SuperSite 2(Anchor: supersite2)

In your SuperSite 2, you need to hide the Resellers section in the footer..

The code defining the Resellers section commented in the fashion illustrated below, would conceal the menu on your SuperSite 2.

  • Uncommented Code

            <ul class="secondary-links">
                    <li><a target="_blank" href="/reseller.php?action=partnersite">Join Reseller Program</a></li>            
  • Commented Code

                    <!-- ###<h4>Resellers</h4>
            <ul class="secondary-links">
                    <li><a target="_blank" href="/reseller.php?action=partnersite">Join Reseller Program</a></li>            
            </ul> ### -->
  • Information about where to find the above mentioned line of code

  • You also need to edit the Superdupersite.css file within the Common folder and comment the code rendering the horizontal line:

    • Uncommented Code

                              #language-option {border-top: 1px dashed #494949; margin-top: 19px;}
    • Commented Code

                              /*#language-option {border-top: 1px dashed #494949; margin-top: 19px;}*/
    Additional Information

    Editing a CCS file

Changes for SuperSite(Anchor: supersite)

In your SuperSite, you need to hide the Resellers tab from the JavaScript menu, just below the header.

The code defining the Resellers tab commented in the fashion illustrated below, would conceal the menu on your SuperSite.

  • Uncommented Code


  • Commented Code

    /* aI("align=center;text=Resellers;url=reseller.php?action=partnersite;target=_blank;image=getImage.php?src=menu-end-cover.gif;"); */


The Resellers tab is placed at the the end of the menu bar, and ends in curved edges. Commenting the code for the Resellers tab would hide it, but also leave sharp edges at the right extremity of the main menu.

In order to preserve the look of the main menu, you would have to append the code that lends the curvature, to the tab immediately preceding the Resellers tab. (This would be the Business Solutions tab by default, or any other tab if you have switched the order in which the menu tabs are displayed.) The patch of code you need to append to the tab is:


To lend curved edges to the Business solutions tab, simply modify the code that defines the tab, like so

aI("align=center;showmenu=Business Solutions;text=Business


This will ensure that the menu is displayed appropriately.