.MOBI Domain Name Rules/Requirements

.MOBI Domain Name Rules/Requirements

The .MOBI Registry has laid down the following policies:

  • .MOBI domain names:

    • can only contain alphabets a to z, numbers 1 to 9 and hyphens

    • cannot begin or end with a hyphen

    • cannot have two hyphens in the third place

    • cannot contain spaces and special characters (such as !, $, &, and so on)

  • The minimum length permitted is 3 characters while the maximum length is 63 characters (excluding the ".MOBI" extension).

  • Some names have been Reserved by the .MOBI Registry. 1

  • A web site associated with a .MOBI domain name should be WAP enabled, i.e., it can be accessed using a mobile phone.

The .MOBI Registry has laid down the following policies:

  • .MOBI domain names:

    • can only contain alphabets a to z, numbers 1 to 9 and hyphens

    • cannot begin or end with a hyphen

    • cannot have two hyphens in the third place

    • cannot contain spaces and special characters (such as !, $, &, and so on)

  • The minimum length permitted is 3 characters while the maximum length is 63 characters (excluding the ".MOBI" extension).

  • Some names have been Reserved by the .MOBI Registry. 2

  • A web site associated with a .MOBI domain name should be WAP enabled, i.e., it can be accessed using a mobile phone.