Configuring Multiple Language Support for SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite

Configuring Multiple Language Support for SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite

By default, we provide you with an English Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite. However you can, not only edit the text of your SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite with ease, but also add new language SuperSites/PartnerSites and translate their entire content, to let visitors view your website in the language of their choice.

Adding a New Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite (Anchor: new)

  1. Login to your SuperSite 2 or SuperSite or PartnerSite Admin Area. 1

  2. Now, the process slightly differs for SuperSite 2 and SuperSite/PartnerSite:

    • For SuperSite 2

      1. Under the My Languages section, click on the Add New Language button.

      2. Select a language from the Choose Language to Add drop-down menu.


        Default Languages are languages for which the SuperSite 2 textual content is already translated and the SuperSite 2 can be straightaway set to be displayed in these languages.

        Custom Languages are languages for which you need to first translate the SuperSite 2 textual content and then set the SuperSite 2 to be displayed in these languages.

      3. Click on Add to complete this process.

    • For SuperSite/PartnerSite

      1. Under the My Language SuperSites/PartnerSites section, click on the Add New Language SuperSite/PartnerSite button.

      2. Here,

        1. Select a language from the Choose Language to Add drop-down menu.

        2. If this language is read from right to left, you need to select the check box adjacent to Is this Language Written Right-to-Left?.

        3. Unless you have already created a new Theme for this Language SuperSite/PartnerSite, you should select Create New link from the Apply Theme drop-down and provide the name for this theme.

          In the event that you had previously added a New Theme for this Language SuperSite/PartnerSite, you need to simply select the same from the Apply Theme drop-down.

          • Languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, etc. are RTL languages.

          • Support for languages which are written from the Right to the Left (RTL) has been provided through a Supersite-rtl.css / Partnersite-rtl.css file in the existing set of CSS files, which becomes available once a RTL language is added in your SuperSite/PartnerSite. This CSS file mostly contains positional attributes and browser specific information for elements on the SuperSite/PartnerSite to be displayed properly across most browsers.

          • Every Language SuperSite/PartnerSite must be associated with a Theme. Ideally, you would want to create a new Theme for every Language SuperSite/PartnerSite as each Theme contains images displaying English text and you would like to translate this as well to your Language SuperSite/PartnerSite.

      3. Click on Add to complete this process.

Updating the Settings of your Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite (Anchor: theme)

Once you have added a new Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite, you need to understand the various settings available for the same.

  1. Login to your SuperSite 2 or SuperSite or PartnerSite Admin Area. 2

  2. Under the My Languages section for SuperSite 2 or My Language SuperSites/PartnerSites section for Supersite/PartnerSite, click on Manage Site besides the Language SuperSite/PartnerSite, whose settings you wish to make edit.

  3. Click on the Edit Settings button.

  4. Here, you may tweak the following settings:

    • Current Theme: Your SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite content comes with a default Theme. A Theme consists of all your CSS, Images and Javascript files. Ideally, you would want to create a new Theme for every Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite as each Theme contains images displaying English text and you would like to translate this as well to your Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite. 3

    • Site Status: By default, when you add a new Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite, it would be set to the Under Construction Status. In this status, while you will be able to modify the Text content of this Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite, your visitors will not be able to view this Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite.

      If you set a particular Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite to Live Status but haven't yet translated its Text content, then when a visitor views this Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite, some parts of this Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite would appear translated, while the rest of the content would appear in your Default Language.

    • Default Site: Select the Yes checkbox to set this Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite as default. Upon selecting this option, visitors to your SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite would automatically be shown this Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite.

    • RTL Support: The Right to Left (RTL) setting needs to be enabled for only those languages that are written from the Right to the Left like Arabic, Hebrew, etc.

  5. Click the Save button to confirm the above settings.

  • If you wish to make any changes related to the positional attributes, you need to edit the Rtl.css (for SuperSite 2) / Supersite-rtl.css / Partnersite-rtl.css file along with the css file for the specific Product. 4

  • The following are known display issues for Right to Left language support across browsers:

    • Special characters [brackets, exclamation marks, hyphens and other special characters]: While translating the content, needs to be placed after the special character. Else, the order of the special character will be reversed.

    • Textboxes requiring user input [Username, Password, etc.]: If the Username or Password has some special characters, the order of the special characters will be reversed. This will result in login failures.

    • There may be several default images in your SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite pages that are either, aligned or pointing in a particular direction, in-synch with the default English content of the SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite pages.

    You would need to browse through your SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite pages, edit all such affected images using a photo editing software such as Adobe PhotoShop or PaintShop Pro and replace the existing images. 5

Deleting a Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite (Anchor: delete)

  1. Login to your SuperSite 2 or SuperSite or PartnerSite Admin Area. 6

  2. Under the My Languages section for SuperSite 2 or My Language SuperSites/PartnerSites section for Supersite/PartnerSite, click on the Delete link which appears above the Manage Site button for the Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite that you wish to delete.

  3. Click OK in the confirmation dialog, to permanently Delete your Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite.


You can not Delete you Default Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite. If you do want to Delete such a Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite, you would need to:

  1. Associate another Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite as your Default Language. 7

  2. Then, follow the above mentioned steps to Delete this Language SuperSite 2/SuperSite/PartnerSite.